

Jekyll is a static website generator that uses Markdown formatting files as a base.


Do you know Ruby? So, this was the programming language chosen to develop Jekyll.

The program is free and open source.

Among thousands of sites that use Jekyll to convert Markdown files to HTML, one of them is worth mentioning, the GitHub Pages.

GitHub Pages uses Jekyll as the main tool to convert Markdown files to HTML on its free website hosting service.

The Markdown processor used by the application is the kramdown.

Jekyll loads kramdown with the default settings, but you can change them as shown in the example below.

syntax_highlighter: rouge
input: GFM
auto_ids: true
toc_levels: 1..3

The configuration file is called _config.yml, you can click here to learn more about the Jekyll settings.

Official website:

Jekyll Markdown Support

Table 1.1 presents the Markdown elements compatible with Jekyll.

Element Support Information
Titles Yes
Paragraphs Yes
Line breaks Yes
Bold Yes
Italic Yes
Blockquote Yes
Ordered lists Yes
Unordered lists Yes
Code Yes
Horizontal lines Yes
Links Yes
Images Yes
Tables Yes
Fenced code blocks Yes Insert the syntax_highlighter: rouge option in the kramdown section of the _config.yml file to enable language highlighting within the block.
Footnotes Yes
Title Id Yes
Definition lists Yes
Strikethrough Yes To cross out a word in Jekyll use two tildes ~~word~~ or just one tilde ~word~ around the content. Both syntaxes work.
Task lists Yes
Emoji (copy and paste) Yes
Emoji (access codes) No Jekyll does not provide support by default, but you can add the jemoji plugin .
Automatic URL Link Yes
Disable automatic link from URL Yes

Support for additional Markdown elements

In Table 1.2 you can see more obscure elements supported by Jekyll.

Element Markdown Output
Abbreviation *[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language
The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C.
The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C

See also

Jekyll Markdown Configuration Options

kramdown Documentation