

Notable is a program that allows users to create notes using Markdown.

Markdown - Notable Application Window!


Notable is an excellent program for taking notes using Markdown as a base.

The tool editor displays only the text with the Markdown formatting, to see the conversion it is necessary to click on the Edit button to switch between the editing mode and the preview mode.

Notable is very simple, to use it you do not need to create accounts or synchronize files, let alone pay a fee.

On the one hand, the lack of features can be considered a problem, on the other hand, it can be considered a solution, as Notable works locally, your files will not be compromised on third party servers.

The Markdown processor used by the tool is the makdown-it.

You can read more about Notable on the official website at

Notable Markdown Support

Table 1.1 shows the Markdown elements compatible with Notable.

Element Support Information
Titles Yes
Paragraphs Yes
Line breaks Yes To insert a line break in Notable use the blank spaces to the right of the line, or the backslash \ to the right of the line, or press the Enter key.
Bold Yes
Italic Yes
Blockquote Yes
Ordered lists Yes
Unordered lists Yes
Code Yes
Horizontal lines Yes
Links Yes
Images Yes
Tables Yes
Fenced code blocks Yes Notable allows the user to highlight the code inside the block.
Footnotes Yes
Title Id Partial Title identifications are automatically generated by the tool and the user cannot specify a custom id.
Definition lists No
Strikethrough Yes
Task lists Yes
Emoji (copy and paste) Yes
Emoji (access codes) Yes
automatic URL Link Yes
Disable automatic link from URL Yes

Support for additional Markdown elements in Notable

Table 1.2 shows the obscure Markdown elements supported by Notable.

Element Markdown Output
Subscript H~2~O H2O
Superscript X^2^ X2

See also

Notable: Markdown quick reference