

StackEdit is a robust Markdown editor that runs directly in your browser.


StackEdit application window!

StackEdit is an extremely versatile editor, it offers the user several features and configuration options.

Despite being a Web tool, StackEdit can compete with various Desktop applications, often presenting itself as a better option.

The program exports your documents to various file formats, supports synchronization using third-party services and you can also customize templates using metadata.

The Markdown syntax support is incredible, the tool is even compatible with LaTeX and UML diagramming.

You can also use StackEdit without being connected to the Internet, the program still loads in your browser, of course, documents synchronization will not be available due to the lack of connectivity.

The app documentation is one of the project's weaknesses. Most of the time you'll have to learn the tool features by yourself using trial and error.

The lack of documentation problem becomes evident when trying to create templates. For example, you can define your own exporting file templates, but finding information on how to do this is quite hard.

This situation can lead new users to never use most of StackEdit's features, simply because they don't even know they exist.

You can use the community support forum, but, let's face it, it would be much more practical if there were instructions directly in the application.

The official website of StackEdit is

StackEdit Markdown Support

Table 1.1 shows the Markdown elements compatible with StackEdit.

Element Support Information
Titles Yes
Paragraphs Yes
Line breaks Yes
Bold Yes
Italic Yes
Blockquote Yes
Ordered lists Yes
Unordered lists Yes
Code Yes
Horizontal lines Yes
Links Yes
Images Yes StackEdit does not support sending images directly to its website, you'll have to store them on another server and use only the image link addresses to show them on your Markdown document.
Tables Yes
Fenced code blocks Yes StackEdit is also compatible with the highlighting of the code block content.
Footnotes Yes
Title Id Partial Title identification is generated automatically by the app, it's not possible for the user to specify custom ids.
Definition lists Yes
Strikethrough Yes
Task lists Yes
Emoji (copy and paste) Yes
Emoji (access codes) Yes
Automatic URL link Yes
Disable automatic link from URL Yes

Additional Markdown elements in StackEdit

Table 1.2 shows the additional Markdown elements that you can use in StackEdit.

Element Markdown Output
Abbreviation *[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language
The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C.
The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C.
Highlight ==word or phrase== word or phrase
Subscript H~2~O H2O
Superscript X^2^ X2

See also

StackEdit repository on GitHub